term reflection

Term 2 reflection 2024


This term I have been proud of the following achievements.


In reading I have been reading a lot at home. And I have been expanding my vocabulary.   


In writing this term I have been extending my writing ideas.  


In maths I have been learning algebra and becoming better at division.  


In PE this term I … have been enjoying ball Frenzie  and dodgeball 


During our inquiry of Matariki I  didn’t enjoy… creating lots of slides with information. 


In art … I didn’t enjoy creating the pictures because I had to make everything accurate.


Thank you for showing us cicrus tricks Nina and Ziah. My favrouite thinging was doing MC because I can laugh at people especally my freinds. What I found most challenging was the spinning plates I just didn’t get the hang of it and it was also because getting the plate to spin was so hard. I was super happy about my preformance I could have been better but could of been worse. I wasn’t that nervous and I didn’t have stage fright but it was hard to come up with jokes. I would also like to get better at flower sticks because I really enjoyed them and I would like to be able to do more tricks!